
"Improve" all or any aspect of your nose.

Rhinoplasty can modify the shape, size or function of your nose.

It is to help patients acquire better facial harmony, to reconstruct the nose following trauma or to correct physical imperfections, congenital deformity and respiratory problems.

Thanks to scientific progress, there are a number of techniques – both surgical and non-surgical – which allow for considerable improvement with less risks than before.

Many defects can affect self-confidence: bulbous, square or drooping tip, crooked or misaligned nose, deviation of the nasal septum or other structural problems.

“Light” interventions

In your case, perhaps you would be able to benefit from a soft technique, which we could call “non- invasive rhinoplasty”.

This new, exciting alternative treatment is for patients, like you, who seek to improve the shape of their nose without invasive surgery.

I shall use injectables, such as hyaluronic acids or BOTOX® to act upon the shape and contour of your nose. If the initial problem is a minor one, then this non-surgical procedure can give excellent results by improving the overall appearance of your nose (balancing nasal cavities and bumps) in just fifteen minutes!

Moreover, proportions of a nose are only considered in relation to its environment. A large nose can appear smaller by slightly altering the forehead, chin and especially by advancing the cheekbones on the side of the nose so that, seen sideways on, it appears much smaller! And that effect performed in the consulting rooms with injectables.

Surgical technique

Following discussion, if we consider that it is better to go one step further; we will choose surgical rhinoplasty.

The bones and surplus cartilage will be reorganised or removed from under the skin covering the nose. Sometimes I shall be obliged to reorganise and reenforce the nose structure by means of cartilage or bone grafts. Then I position the skin over the renovated structure, giving your nose a new look.

Now, following your needs, your nose may now be larger, smaller, shorter or longer. Improvements may be brought to its bridge, point or nostrils.

The two most common techniques are “open” and “closed” rhinoplasty, but there exist other factors to be considered. Through the examination of your nose, I will be able to diagnose possible problems and draw up a plan to remedy them.

During closed rhinoplasty, all the incisions are made inside the nose, making it the most popular option with patients. This technique limits the surgeon’s visibility because the intervention is performed within the nose and the fact that there is no external incision has a certain advantage over the “open” option:

  • Less risk of the point of the nose bulging.
  • Less risk of infection or complications due to the surgery.
  • Less risk of bruising after the procedure therefore shorter recovery time.
  • Shorter procedure time which means less anaesthesia is required.
  • No external scarring.

Generally speaking, closed rhinoplasty is preferable for small noses.

During open rhinoplasty, the same incisions are used as for closed rhinoplasty, but I make an extra incision on the outside of the nose, into the tissue separating the nostrils (columella). This incision totally exposes the inside structure, thus giving perfect visibility. The resulting scar will be imperceptible. The advantages of the technique are:

  • Better visibility for the surgeon.
  • Free access to the inside structure of the nose.
  • Better diagnostic and even more precise workmanship during surgery.
  • A better option for complex defects.
  • Better option for a second rhinoplasty (if a first procedure was performed elsewhere or abroad and was not satisfactory).

In this last case, secondary rhinoplasty may prove necessary if the surgeon for the first operation made an error of judgement in his diagnostic or his procedure or if any respiratory problems arise. Secondary rhinoplasty is generally more complex, which is why I prefer the open technique.

Whichever procedure is chosen, expect bruising and swelling. In the end, your life will be transformed!

Be aware! Surgery on a nose must be performed artistically since it is vital that the nose be integrated into the surrounding facial area. Even if you do not like the original, your nose is the one “you should have”. A new nose will quickly become prettier, but often less harmonious giving rise to comments such as “I preferred her/his nose before, or she/he has lost her/his personality”.